Headteacher: Andrew Drury
Wanborough Primary School, The Beanlands, Wanborough, Swindon, SN4 0EJ
Tel: 01793 790269 Email:admin@wanborough.swindon.sch.uk
Acorn Class - Reception
Teacher: Miss Corbyn     Assistant: Mrs Armstrong
Last updated 03.11.23
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Acorns go acorn hunting

On Friday 3rd November, we ventured into Warneage Woods to see what we could find.

There were so many different types of trees, leaves, plants, berries, fruits, seeds, insects. Not so many acorns, we think that the squirrels may have had them!

And there was lots of lovely, squishy mud!

We were helped in our search by the expertise of Rob and Emily from Keystone Environmental. They are the contractors dealing with the habitat restoration around the Southern Connector Road.

Rob took away some of the seeds we found and is going to try grow them on into tree seedlings.

During the half-term, Keystone's team installed some planters in our garden / orchard area and next week the whole school will be planting acorns and oak seedlings to grow them on for the future landscaping of our area.