Wanborough Primary School is a vibrant and successful school situated in the lovely village of Wanborough, near Swindon, Wiltshire.
We currently have 210 children taught in 7 classes from Reception through to Year 6, all children in each class are in the same age group. (see Places Available below)
Our delightful children are highly motivated to learn and are keen to make a positive contribution in all areas of the curriculum and within the local community. The modern learning environment, combined with attractive school grounds allows the children to thrive in a safe and caring establishment.
Academic standards are regularly well above national averages and we are working hard to maximise the exciting potential we have within our school. We have a creative curriculum which puts enjoyment at the centre of learning.
'We all grow from here' is embedded into everything we do, with children striving to reach their own Goals, developing their Resilience to succeed and cope with failure in both new and challenging situations. Outstanding outcomes are the aim for every child with encouragement to produce their best on every occasion. All of these are provided through fun and engaging opportunities in and out of the classroom which bring that element of Wonder into our teaching and learning.
There is an extremely talented and dedicated group of staff and governors who work hard to ensure the opportunities we provide are varied and allow opportunity for all.
Visits to the school are always welcome, where you will see for yourself a school which values the whole child, and promotes a learning culture to which all stakeholders can embrace (see Location Map).
I look forward to welcoming you and wish everybody connected with Wanborough Primary School a fantastic 2023/24.
Andy Drury
Sample just some of the things we do in the 'This is Wanborough Primary' video.
(Figures correct at June 2024 - please check with school office)
2024-25 academic year:
Reception intake:
We do have some places available for the September 2025 intake. If you would like to visit the school to find out more about how we can give your child the best possible start to their primary education, please contact the school office on 01793 790269 or email admin@wanboroughprimary.org
2023-24 academic year: