Maths Quiz 17.03.21:
To tie in with the Semaine Des Mathematiques in French schools, some of our Year 6 pupils took part in a maths quiz along with several French schools.
We used Skype to link to the schools and played the quiz on Kahoot.
École du Lac, our partner school, took part and afterwards our children were able to say hello to their pen pals. We're planning a link with the whole of Oak Class and CM1CM2 next week.
We're pleased to say that all our pupils did very well, Toby came out top and Hugh S was third! In between on the podium were 'Les Gamers' from École du Lac.
Thank you to Barbara Richard for organising the event.
European Day of Languages:
For this special day in September many of our classes took part in language related activities.
Year 2 looked at French colours.
We played some games on Linguascope and then coloured in butterflies and elephants, carefully matching the numbers to the correct colour in French.
Year 3: some of our children saying "Hello" and "My name is..." in their home languages.
Year 6 greeted each other in various languages and participated in 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'
They also designed their own Covid masks and wrote in French, information about themselves.
Quality Label for Maths Project:
We have been awarded recognition of our participation in the "European Mathematics Challenge" project.
(See below)
15.03.19: Message from eTwinning Team
Congratulations! Your school has been awarded with the eTwinning School Label 2019-2020 and this is a great achievement by the eTwinning team in your school!
The official announcement will be made on the Portal this week and on other eTwinning and European Commission's news channels.
What's next
- You can proudly use the eTwinning School Label (here attached) on your school's website.
- Shortly, we will send you a package containing some eTwinning materials and of course the eTwinning School plaque.
- You will be invited to participate in the eTwinning Schools' Group and in the various activities dedicated to eTwinning Schools.
Congratulations again for being an example for all the other schools: we count on your dedication and commitment to promote eTwinning and its values, which are represented by the eTwinning Schools' mission which you can download here:
The eTwinning Team
eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.
For UK Schools it is overseen by the British Council.
Once schools and their staff are registered with eTwinning they are able to set up and take part in shared projects. These areas of the eTwinning site are only available to members with an authorised login.
Schools can create 'Projects' and 'Events' and invite other schools to take part.
Wanborough Primary School has used eTwinning for our 'Guess Who' exchanges each year with Ecole du lac in St. Cyr.
We have also taken part in a
Maths Challenge (see below) and a project exploring idioms in different languages. This involved a number of schools in the Poitiers area of France.
For the Idioms project, Year 6 created pictures of English idioms. We shared these in the eTwinning website with schools across Europe. We then compared idioms and their meanings in various languages. The idioms were compiled to create the eTwinning Idioms Book.
We are proud to announce Wanborough School gained an eTwinning quality label for this project. Well done Year 6 for all your hard work.
In 2018-19 are are once again part of 'Guess Who' and our Erasmus Plus funded project '
Let's all GROW Together' is also using the eTwinning platform.
We designed e-Safety posters for a 'Safer Internet Day' event in February. This event was led by a Greek school.
International Maths Quiz 16.05.19:
On Thursday 16th May our Year 5 class took part in an international maths quiz.
We were linked to schools in France and the USA via Skype and used the Kahoot app to post our responses.
There were some tricky questions and although we were not in the top 3, it was an interesting and exciting event to take part in.
International Maths Quiz 2:
On Friday 15th March a group of children took part in a live link up with schools in France and USA. We took part in a maths quiz using the Kahoot platform.
It was very exciting to see all the different classes on the Skype feed. Despite a few technical glitches, we had a good time and were on target for a good result when the feed crashed!
Afterwards, within our group, we played a French language quiz from Kahoot, it's a great way to brush up our vocabulary and grammar.
Maths Challenge 2018: Our Videos